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Territorial Dispatch

Rideout Hospital Auxiliary Dissolves

Jan 28, 2025 09:59AM ● By Gery Dorsey

Active, Sustaining and Lifetime members of the Rideout Hospital Auxiliary gather to celebrate 66+ years of service to Rideout Hospital and the community. Photo courtesy of Gery Dorsey

MARYSVILLE, CA (MPG) - On Nov. 13, President of the Auxiliary, Betty Howard presided over the festivities held at the Peachtree Golf and Country Club to celebrate 66 plus years of service. Speakers included Chris Champlin, President of Adventist Health + Rideout Hospital and Carol Ramirez, Director of Community Engagement and Volunteer Services. 

Following lunch, Marlene Dorsey presented hour pins to active members that had achieved the next level of hours served: 3-1,000-hour pins, 2-2,000-hour pins, 1-4,000-hour pin, 1-5,000- hour pin, 1-9,000-hour pin, 1-13,000-hour pin, 1-16,000-hour pin and Marlene herself received a 25,000-hour pin. Each recipient also received a pink carnation. The flowers, as well as the centerpieces, were donated by the Country Florist. In the 66 plus years, the members have donated a total of more than 903,000 hours of their time to the hospital.

Founded Jan. 14, 1958, the pre-covid Auxiliary owned and operated the Pink Trunk Thrift Shop and the hospital gift shop. The money generated, along with fundraisers, was donated to various departments in the hospital for medical equipment and other needs. In total, the Rideout Hospital Auxiliary donated more than $1,000,000. In addition, each year they gave scholarships to high school and college students in the medical field.

As a service to the community, the auxiliary members assemble Vial of Life kits, which in a medical emergency will lead first responders to the resident’s medical information. The vials are provided free by Walgreen’s and the printed material and magnets are paid for by the Rideout Hospital Auxiliary. The Vials of Life are given out free at the hospital gift shop and the Adventist Health booth at local events. If you have any questions about the Vial of Life program, call Gerry Dorsey at (530)933-3565.

Most of our members plan to continue volunteering at the hospital. It’s in our blood.