Youth League Football Gets Started
Aug 21, 2024 03:43PM ● By Seti Long, photos by Chris PedigoSutter’s 37 Bentley Phillips breaks loose for a
touchdown against Marysville in the 8u game.
SUTTER, CA (MPG) - The Marysville Indians hit the road to tackle the Jr. Huskies of Sutter the weekend of August 17.
Youth league 8u, 10u,12u and 14u football teams shone on the gridiron. Both Indians and Jr. Huskies teams highlighted the skills that they would bring against future rivals as the season opened.
Bentley Valles from 10u Marysville strips the ball
from the Sutter player for a touchdown.
Sutter Junior Husky Victor Saldana runs off the right side of the formation against Marysville in the 10u game.
Marysville’s Wyatt Britt runs towards the sidelines versus Sutter in the 8u game.