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Territorial Dispatch

Council Favors Commercial Development

Nov 15, 2023 02:49PM ● By Sharon Pearce

MARYSVILLE, CA (MPG) - More and more cities are exempting parking to encourage commercial development, Planner Consultant Kathy Pease reported, but for the development that may come to Downtown Marysville, with no additional parking, developers would have to request a variance, so it was recommended that for a development that may take a full block of space to waive the off street parking requirement.

Vice Mayor Bruce Buttacavoli, challenged this, saying he “was always opposed to this,” though he liked an option that offered .5 parking space per unit for any developments of 10 units or more. He argued that “if the other side of 3rd & D Streets was developed with the parking requirement waived, that would be “allowing an absolute wide-open, free-for-all in those areas and would be an absolute mistake.” Buttacavoli said, “If we go with the alternative, we can be as lenient as we want.”

Councilmember Brad Hudson disagreed, saying, he owns a four unit apt. building and is struggling with Caltrans, but “We need some development in this town…. I’d rather allow for leniency than restriction.”

Councilmember Stuart Gilchrist reminded that the city was attempting to work with employees of Caltrans and the hospital who will walk to work but Buttacavoli rebutted that “if residents walk to work, their car will be parked on streets all day.” That would make matters worse. Mayor Chris Branscom commented that “This area needs a success model. Once built, more development will come in. I am ready to accept the risk.”

A motion to adopt an ordinance to exempt the requirement to provide off street parking for new residential and hotel projects in the Downtown C-2 and C-3 Zoning Districts passed 3 to 1; Councilmember Dominique Belza was absent.

Council favored there be a motion to approve a Use Agreement by the City of Marysville and the Yuba County Office of Education (YCOE) for the premises at 429 10th Street to be used as a Youth Recreation Center. The cost to the city for repairs would be $300K.

A schedule was approved for Bryant Field for the 2024 season.

A proposal to pass a noise ordinance, and one for updating the administrative code as to notices of separation of service, passed unanimously. Planner Pease reported that the city was without an ordinance that would allow it to set a noise standard preferably at 75dB with existing operations grandfathered in. Change of use in a building would be deemed an expansion and trigger such new ordinance. As part of aligning City Council goals, it updated the code to remove any need for the city to provide 90 days paid notice of separation of service for Executive or Mid-Management members.

Tina Delfino, a new homeowner, informed the Council she rehabs houses, and said she had sent numerous emails to officials complaining of blight, indicating furniture and other debris were strewn in the front yard next to hers. She also reported seeing a male nearby at an old gas station tattooing a child, an issue that does not appear to have been addressed.

A Veterans Day proclamation was presented to the American Legion Post 807. Eric Peredes, Public Policy Administrator of the Blue Zones, requested, through a presentation, that a more comprehensive policy to address vaping and other tobacco products be enacted to improve the city’s smoke-free parks. Peredes reported a clean-up team recently picked up over 300 cigarette butts at Veterans Park, mainly near the play structure and seating areas. They had no signage, he said, but placed blue flags where they picked up the butts. Peredes also reported that the #1 polluter on earth is cigarettes due to how long filters take to decompose. Mayor Branscom stated Council will discuss this.

Vincenzo Corraza, Public Works Director, gave an update on Ellis Lake stating weeds and algae are dying off slowly, Pondzilla treatments are planned and lake management work is ongoing to keep the lake clear to next summer.