Goats on the Ridge: Reducing Fuel with Grazing
Nov 24, 2020 12:00AM ● By Butte County Fire Safe Council
Goats can reduce flashy fuels like grasslands over large landscapes in just a few hours. Photo provided by BCFSC
PARADISE, CA (MPG) - When the days are hot and dry, running power equipment is a potential disaster waiting to happen. So when there is grass and low-to-ground vegetation, other options may be explored. Under a grant from CAL FIRE, local goat herders are able to bring their animals onto land impacted by the Camp Fire to reduce vegetation in key community areas.
Aside from their nimbleness, goats are a preferred fuels reduction method since they mimic natural grazers and return some of the ecosystem processes back to the land.
"We just saw how successful they were being used in Bidwell Park down in Chico, and we saw lots of potential for their use here in the Camp Fire foot-print," says Calli-Jane DeAnda, Executive Director of the Butte County Fire Safe Council (BCFSC).
The goats are moved through the treatment areas by herd dogs. "We are really happy with how the goats are able to navigate the post fire environment. With all of the regrowth we have seen in the last two years and invasion of non-native species, the goats are a crucial tool" says Jeff Gould, Program Manager with the BCFSC.
If you are interested in joining the effort or for grazing on your property contact [email protected] to learn more.